← Buxton Half Marathon

I first ran the Buxton Half back in 2013 as part of a series of races for charity. I knew Buxton was a hilly course and a challenge as a result.

It's taken me 5 years to return due to other events that have clashed in the interim period.

This is a well organised and inexpensive race that is well supported locally. Entries well in advance get a cotton event t-shirt thrown in for good measure and all finishers get a medal. This year for the first time the event was chip-timed. Not bad for a £15 half-marathon!

The route starts at the Opera House and heads up the main-road and into the High Peak. The first 3 miles are uphill followed by a 4 mile undulating descent. Mile 7 is another long climb followed by some undulation before a 2.5 mile descent back into Buxton itself. The finish changed slightly this year to pass within the Pavillion Gardens and I think this was a great move that really improved the finish.

This is a race you need to do. Not because it is easy or fast - it's neither. But in return for your efforts you get stunning views and a firm knowledge that you earned that finishers medal!